European Journal of Remote Sensing

Authors that suceessfully submitted an abstract to the Symposium are welcome to submit full papers to the European Journal of Remote Sensing (EuJRS). Each submitted full paper of the symposium participants will be considered for publication in a Special Issue of the EuJRS. The EuJRS has an Impact Factor of 1.9, is online and open-access and a special issue will accommodate full paper submissions related to the presentations delivered in the Symposium.
EARSeL will be subsidising 50% of the author’s fee for the publication of the full paper in this special issue. Due to a special agreement between EARSeL and Taylor & Francis the participating authors will have to pay only € 217 per paper. The latter will have to be paid by the author as soon as the paper has been accepted by Taylor & Francis and before publication in the EuJRS.
- Guest Editors: Dr. Stefan Lan, Dr. Dirk Tiede, Mag. Barbara Riedler, MSc
- Opening of Special Issue “Digital Earth Observation” on EuJRS website: end of September 2019
- Extended deadline for submission of manuscripts: 22nd of November 2019
- Anticipated deadline for final acceptance of manuscripts: 30th of June 2020
- Exepted date of publication: latest 1st of November 2020
Book of Abstract

- Download the Book of Abstracts with abstracts of all talks and posters presented at the Symposium: Book of Abstracts (PDF)
- Download the Booklet with the programm and additional information about the Symposium: Booklet with the Agenda (PDF)
Music Video

Inspired by the idea of the Copernicus Academy, this video blends two story layers in one plot: (1) a student and her teacher seeking to find out what satellite Earth observation can do about the pressing needs of our planet, and (2) a song performed by the band to which they both belong to, which pleas to stand up and take action.
The video is a co-production of LP Project and the Department of Geoinformatics, and was partly shot in the iDEAS:lab with great support of Z_GIS staff. Lyrics and music by Stefan Lang. All other credits see end titles. Watch this video HERE!